How to Turn On iPhone LED Flash Alerts

Once turned on, your phone’s flash will now blink when you have alerts or incoming calls.

How It Works

Once you have the feature turned on, you’re done! The phone does the rest. When you get a phone call, voicemail, or push notification, the LED will flash to get your attention.

About LED Flash Alerts

With this kind of alert, the LED (or light-emitting diode)—used as the flash for your iPhone’s camera—blinks when you have an alert. These LED flash alerts allow you to know when you need to check your phone without looking at the screen or having the volume turned on. This is a perfect option for a quiet environment where don’t want to be too distracting.

How to Turn Off Flash on Your iPhone

Want to hear sound again with your alerts? Just follow the steps above and move the slider to the Off position instead.