Reset the Internet Files Folder to Its Default Location

First, configure Windows to show hidden files and folders. Some steps below require that hidden folders are viewable, so this prerequisite is a must-do. After you hidden files and folders are viewable, follow these steps:

Reset IE Temporary Files Folder Using Windows Registry

Another way to make this change is to use the Windows Registry. It’s much easier to use Internet Explorer as described above, but if you can’t for some reason, try this method. Windows 11, 10, and 8: Windows 7 and Vista: Windows XP: Once you’ve landed on the last folder in the path you see above, just highlight it, you don’t need to select the arrow or plus sign next to it. Your computer will immediately log off, so be sure to save and close any files you might be working in before choosing Yes.

Why Move IE Temporary Files?

By default, the Temporary Internet Files folder in Internet Explorer is buried deep within several folders. As the name would suggest, the IE browser uses this folder to store temporary internet files. Windows 11, 10, and 8: Windows 7 and Vista: Windows XP: If for some reason the location of that folder has moved—like due to a malware issue or a change you made yourself—some very specific issues and error messages can occur, the ieframe.dll DLL error being a common example. Moving this folder back to its default location is easy through Internet Explorer’s own settings, so you don’t have to remove and reinstall Internet Explorer or reset all of its options.

Still Can’t Change the Folder?

If after making the changes above, the location of the Temporary Internet Files folder still won’t change, even after a reboot, there are a couple of things to look at that could be the cause. For starters, check that your antivirus program is running and actively scanning to catch malware. It’s possible that a virus on your computer is to blame for these settings not changing when you tell them to. With that being said, some antivirus programs are over-protective of the registry and will prevent changes, so even if you’re making the change yourself, the antivirus program might be blocking your attempts. If you’re sure you’re not currently suffering from malware, temporarily disable your antivirus program and try again. If the folder can be altered while your antivirus program is off, reboot and check again just to be sure. If the new folder location stays, turn your security software back on. The change you made should stick since the antivirus program wasn’t active during the change.