Use the Facebook Hide Feature

The easiest way to organize Facebook friends is to use the hide feature, which allows you to squelch people from your news feed. This is a great start to organizing Facebook, and for many people, this is the only feature they need. Simply choose the people you’re most interested in seeing on your main page. These people could be friends, family, or co-workers if you mainly use Facebook for business purposes. Then, hide everyone else. This lets you quickly trim your main news feed to only the people you want to see.

Use The Facebook Custom List Feature

But what about all of those friends you hid? How do you organize your Facebook friends list to account for them? If you don’t want to see their updates, hide them. However, if you have many friends, you may have several groups you want to see updates from on a regular basis. That’s where the Facebook custom list feature comes into play. By creating custom lists, you can organize Facebook friends by creating different categories. For example, create a custom list that contains close family (such as brothers, sisters, and parents) and another list for your extended family, which includes your close family and also cousins, in-laws, and others.