How to Outline Text in Photoshop

You can give your art projects some extra punch by learning how to outline text in Photoshop, no matter which platform you use. With a monthly subscription (or free trial) for Photoshop CC you get all of the software’s most powerful features. Whether you’re using the latest version or one from a few years prior though, the simplest method for outlining text works the same.

Outline Text to Make it More Exciting

Using the Stroke effect in layers is useful, but it’s linked directly to that layer and therefore harder to edit by itself. To make an outline that’s a bit more exciting, you want to outline the text on its own layer. Now that you have an outline on a layer separate from your main text, you can adjust its own effects at will. Add an additional stroke outline to it using the first method outlined above, bevel or emboss it, or remove the original type layer entirely for outline-only text.