Other parts of a key can break aside from the keycap, but a keycap snapping off your keyboard is the most common laptop keyboard issue, so if you have a broken key, chances are the keycap came off. These keycaps lock into a tiny bit of plastic known as the keycap retainer. These are usually small, plastic circles or squares which lock the keycap into place. Fixing a broken keycap involves making sure the retainer is secured on your computer and then gently securing the keycap on top of its retainer.

Important Laptop Keyboard Maintenance Tips

The best way to take care of your laptop keyboard is not to break it in the first place, which can be easier said than done. Luckily, if you build a few good habits, the chances of you breaking something will go way down. Gently place your retainer back onto the spot where it came off. The retainer’s design will naturally slot into this space when you orient it the right way, which may take a couple of tries to figure out. Press down lightly and listen for a click; this signals the keycap has locked into the retainer. In this situation, without familiarity and experience repairing keyboards, it’s best to take your laptop to a third party for, at least, evaluation. Firstly, routine cleaning is essential. Keycaps can come off after residue builds up underneath them and works to separate the keycap from its retainer. Giving your keyboard a regular wipe-down is a great way to keep your keyboard clean and residue-free. Check with the manufacturer to learn what is recommended (and learn what can harm the keyboard). Second, be aware of how hard you’re pressing down on your keys! Laptop keyboards often require light presses to work, so if you’re used to a more full-featured keyboard, you might be whacking away at your keys more than you need to register a keypress. Lastly, be careful of spills near your keyboard. A spill by itself won’t cause a keycap to come off, but, of course, they are not all created equally. A glass of water or seltzer can be manageable if you disconnect your board and dry it carefully and thoroughly, but anything with sugar can be an immediate game over. Even the best maintenance can sometimes still not be enough. Sometimes the keys just can’t be fixed. In those cases, your options are to replace the keyboard or replace the entire laptop.