General Alexa Security and Privacy

In terms of privacy, place your Alexa away from areas you’d rather it not potentially overhear conversations, such as bedrooms or bathrooms. Keep it in public areas, and when you’re discussing something sensitive in these areas, disable the microphone by pressing the Mute button on top of the device. To disable the camera on devices like the Echo Spot and the Echo Show, swipe down from the top of the screen and tap Settings > Device Options, then tap the Enable Camera toggle to off.

Choose Alexa Skills Carefully

Just like you shouldn’t download apps to your phone without looking at what the app wants to get access to, you shouldn’t download skills to Alexa you don’t trust. For the skills you’ve already downloaded, you can see what permissions they’ve accessed.

Enabling a Voice PIN for Alexa

If you want to limit the ability of others in your household to buy items using their voice from Alexa, you can enable a voice PIN.

How to Delete Recordings From Your Alexa

Alexa offers two tools with recordings. One lets you delete the recording, but the other is just as important, as it lets you tell Alexa what to listen to and what not to. A little time spent refining this will limit false recordings and improve your privacy.

Changing Wake Words for Alexa