How to Set Up PPPoE Internet Access

How PPPoE Works

PPPoE internet providers assign each of their subscribers a unique PPPoE username and password. Providers use this network protocol to manage IP address allocations and track each customer’s data usage. The protocol works on either a broadband router or a broadband modem. The home network initiates an internet connection request, sends PPPoE usernames and passwords to the provider, and receives a public IP address in return. PPPoE uses a protocol technique called tunneling, which is essentially the embedding of messages in one format within the packets of another format. PPPoE functions similarly to virtual private networking tunneling protocols like Point-to-Point Tunneling Protocol.

Does Your Internet Service Use PPPoE?

Many, but not all, DSL internet providers use PPPoE. Cable and fiber internet providers do not use it. Providers of other types of internet service such as fixed wireless internet may or may not use it. Check with your service provider to confirm whether the company uses PPPoE.

Problems With PPPoE

PPPoE connections might require special MTU settings to function properly. Providers tell their customers if their network requires a specific MTU value—numbers like 1492 (the maximum PPPoE supports) or 1480 are common. Home routers support an option to set the MTU size manually when needed. A home network administrator can accidentally erase PPPoE settings. Because of the risk of error in home networking configurations, some ISPs have moved away from PPPoE in favor of DHCP-based customer IP address assignment.