Unlike starting Windows 7 in Safe Mode, there are no scary-looking lists of system files running down the screen as Windows starts with Last Known Good Configuration. Remember, all you’re doing is rewinding driver and registry settings to those that worked the last time Windows 7 was shut down properly. If Windows 7 wasn’t starting at all, and you’ve reached this point, it’s a good sign that Last Known Good Configuration is going to solve, or at least get you closer to solving, the problem you were having. If your problem didn’t start until later on, you’ll have to wait until the next step to see if LKGC did you any good. If Windows 7 wasn’t booting whatsoever, congratulations, it looks like Last Known Good Configuration worked like a charm. Otherwise, you’ll need to test to see if the problem you were having reoccurs. For example, if you experienced a BSOD when you entered the Control Panel, give it a try. If you tried updating a Windows 7 driver and your sound quit working, try it out now. If Last Known Good Configuration didn’t fix the problem, trying it again won’t be of much use. It’s only good once since, unfortunately, Windows 7 doesn’t store multiple configurations. In most cases, your next option is to use System Restore. We have an article on how to use System Restore to undo system changes in Windows if you need help. However, if you were following a troubleshooting guide specific to the problem you’re having, your best option is to go back to that troubleshooting and continue as directed. What you can do instead in those newer Windows versions is boot into Safe Mode, which is a startup type that loads basic drivers and is often a first step in troubleshooting startup issues. See How to Use Advanced Startup Options for details on everything you can do from this menu, and check out How to Access Advanced Startup Options in Windows 11/10/8 for help getting there.