How to Stitch a TikTok Video

Stitching TikTok videos together means you can add a comment, response, or context to someone else’s video. It often helps make a video go viral. Here’s how to stitch TikTok videos together.

Why Can’t I Stitch on TikTok?

If you’re having trouble stitching videos together, the cause could be a number of reasons. Here’s a look at them.

Stitch isn’t enabled. Not all TikTok videos have Stitch enabled which means there’s no way of adding anything to the existing video. Sitch is only enabled if the creator chooses to do so.Your response is too short. Your addition/response needs to be at least one second long to be stitched onto the original video. The clip you need is too long. It’s only possible to post a maximum of five seconds from another video. If the context requires it to be longer, you can’t extend it.

How to Disable Stitch

If you don’t want to allow Stitch on your videos, you can disable it.

Why Make a TikTok Stitch?

TikTok thrives on sharing and a community element. By stitching together responses to existing videos, you’re helping more people see the original video as well as experience what you think of it.  Many TikTok trends have thrived on users adding stitches to certain types of video, such as the RentFree hashtag.