How to Stop iPhone App Crashes

To fix iPhone app crashes, try these six tips, in this order.

Quit and Relaunch the iPhone App

The first and simplest step is to stop iPhone app crashes is to force the app to quit and then restarting it. Force quitting apps stops all of the app’s processes and starts them fresh (but it doesn’t save battery life!). If the app crash was caused by some feature going slightly wrong, this solution could fix it.

Stop iPhone App Crashes by Restarting the iPhone

Sometimes, apps crash on the iPhone because of a problem with the iPhone itself, not with the app. If restarting the app didn’t help, a restart of the iPhone is in order. Many problems on the iPhone, not just app crashes, can be fixed with a simple restart.

Fix iPhone App Crashes by Updating Your Apps

If restarting your iPhone doesn’t fix an app crash, the problem causing the crash could be a bug in the app itself. App developers regularly update their apps to fix bugs and provide new functionality, so installing the updated app could fix the bug that’s causing you problems.​

Delete and Reinstall the App to Fix iPhone App Crashes

Sometimes, apps crash because something goes wrong with them over time. This can happen even after you update the app to the latest version. If you’ve tried all the steps so far and it hasn’t helped, try deleting the app and then reinstalling it. A fresh installation of the app could help.

Update to the Latest Version of the iOS

In the same way that app developers release updates to fix bugs, Apple regularly releases updates to iOS, the operating system that runs the iPhone and iPod touch. These updates add cool new features and also fix bugs. If your app crashes into aren’t fixed by restarting your phone or updating your apps, there’s a chance that the bug is in iOS itself. In that case, update to the latest OS.​

Contact the App’s Developer for Help with Crashes

If none of these steps solve your crashing problem, you need expert help. Your best bet is to contact the developer of the app directly. There should be contact information listed in the app—maybe on a Contact or About screen. If there’s not, the app’s page in the App Store usually includes contact information. Try emailing the developer or reporting and the bug and you should get some useful feedback.