How to Write a SUM Function

Adding up rows or columns of numbers is a common operation carried out in all spreadsheet programs. Google Sheets includes a built-in function called SUM for this purpose. With a function in place, the spreadsheet automatically updates when you make changes in the range of cells in the formula. If you change entries or add text to blank cells, the total updates to include the new data. Using the information above, write a SUM function like this: In this case, the numbers in the parentheses are the individual cells being added. This can be a list, like (A1, B2, C10), or a range, like (A1:B10). The range option is how you add columns and rows.

How to Enter a SUM Function in Google Sheets

Before you begin, enter the information you want to add up into a spreadsheet, then follow these steps:

How to Create a Sum Using Function (Fx)

You can also use a menu to enter a function instead of typing it. Here’s how to do it.

How to Write a Function in Google Sheets

A function in Google Sheets and other spreadsheet programs like Microsoft Excel has three parts:

An equals sign (=). This tells the program that you’re entering a function.The name of the function. This is usually in all-caps, but that isn’t necessary. Some examples are SUM, ROUNDUP, and PRODUCT.A set of parentheses: (). If the function includes work on a set of numbers in the spreadsheet, these numbers go in the parentheses to tell the program which data to use in the formula.