Unplug Everything and Look at Your Router

If you’re fairly inexperienced with routers and home networks and you’re left thinking ‘how can I tell if someone is using my Wi-Fi’, there’s a very quick and simple way to check—disconnect your devices. Here’s what to do. 

Use an App to Trace Who’s Using Your WI-Fi

There are several apps out there that make it very simple for you to scan your network and see if anyone is accessing it that you don’t recognize. Many of these apps are free and take seconds to use. One of our favorites is Fing which is available for both Android and iOS devices. Here’s how to use it to trace who’s using your Wi-Fi. 

Check Your Administrator Logs

If you feel comfortable diving into your router’s administration logs, you can find out more about what devices have connected to your router in recent times. Different routers have slightly different configurations and option names but the format is roughly the same although it does involve a little digging around. Here’s what to do.