How To Turn On/Off Comment Ranking on a FB Profile

Facebook profiles that have a large number of followers automatically have comment ranking switched on. However, lower profile Facebook profiles need to enable the feature. Whatever type of user you are, here’s how to turn on/off comment ranking on a Facebook profile.

How to Enable Comment Ranking on a FB Page

If you’re the admin of a page on Facebook, you may wish to enable or disable comment ranking on your Facebook page. Here’s how to do so.

What Is Comment Ranking on Facebook? 

Comment ranking works by arranging comments by what Facebook considers to be the most meaningful and relevant comments posted.  It’s determined through the use of three metics. These include the admin’s reaction to a comment, whether the comment seems like clickbait, and how much other users are interacting with a comment.  Effectively, the more replies or reactions a comment gets, the higher its ranking becomes. Alternatively, a comment that simply tags someone or says something considered worthless like ’lol’ will be further down the list. Comments from friends of the user or verified profiles also take precedence so they show up higher on the list. When you see Most Relevant written above the comments on a post, it means that comment ranking is enabled.  Comment ranking is designed to prioritize content so that the most worthwhile comments are seen first, saving users time on browsing through all the replies to a page’s post. 

When Does Facebook Turn Comment Ranking On?

All Pages now have comment ranking automatically enabled on their account.  When comment ranking is switched on, the page admin can also use it to sort hidden comments on a page. If comment ranking is disabled, the page will display comments in most recent order by default. For individual profiles, comment ranking needs to be enabled.