How to Temporarily Disable Parental Controls on Switch

When you set up parental controls for your Switch, the app automatically generates a four digit PIN. You can use that PIN on your switch to temporarily disable parental controls. Here’s how to temporarily disable parental controls on Switch:

How to Temporarily Remove the Parental Control Timer on Switch

If you don’t want to limit your child’s play time for the day, but you do want parental controls to remain in place, you can temporarily remove the timer. This is accomplished through the parental control app on your phone, so you don’t need to have the Switch with you to make the change. Here’s how to temporarily remove the gameplay timer in Switch parental controls:

How Do You Remove Nintendo Switch Parental Controls?

If you’re completely done with parental controls on your Switch, you can disable the feature permanently. When you disable parental controls, accounts on that switch will be able to play any game for any amount of time without restrictions. Here’s how to remove Nintendo Switch parental controls permanently: Once you’ve set up Nintendo Switch parental controls, you can temporarily disable them at any time or remove them altogether. If you don’t want parental controls on your Switch anymore at all, then you need to disconnect the Switch from the parental controls app.