How to Turn Off Power Saver in Windows 10

To quickly turn off power-saving mode entirely:

How to Turn On Power Saver in Windows 10

If you prefer to conserve energy as much as possible while using your computer, you can quick turn power saver back on, and then adjust the settings as needed. You can customize the settings so that the power saving behavior doesn’t interfere with the work you need to do on your computer.

Why Change Power-Saving Mode?

Power-saving mode can cause several odd behaviors in your Windows 10 computer. Your screen might dim before you want it to, for example, or go into sleep mode altogether.

Turn off hard disk after: Stops the hard disk from spinning. This will cause a slight delay when you want to use your computer again (or even saving a file). Desktop background settings: Pauses any slideshow you’ve configured as your background. Sleep: Put your computer to sleep, or have it hibernate. Power buttons and lid: Make the laptop sleep when you close the lid. Display: Turn off the display (conserves more power than any other setting).