How to Remove RTT From iPhone

Real-time text (RTT) is an iPhone accessibility feature that you can’t remove but, if you don’t need it, you can turn it off. The feature is enabled in your iPhone’s accessibility settings. Here’s how to turn off RTT on an iPhone:

What Is RTT/TTY on iPhones?

RTT is an accessibility feature that lets you place and receive phone calls on your iPhone using text instead of voice. It’s capable of transcribing both voice to text and text to voice, and it looks a lot like a text message on your end when you use the feature. The text of calls made using RTT/TTY is also archived and available to search and read after the call is over. When you place a call with RTT turned on, you have the option to place an RTT/TTY call instead of a regular voice call. If your carrier supports it, placing a call in this manner allows you to enter text into a message field during the call, and the system then reads that text to the person you called. Their replies are automatically transcribed to text and appear on the screen where you can read and reply.

Who Is RTT For?

Since RTT/TTY is a standard feature on iPhones and doesn’t need any additional hardware or accessories, it’s available to everyone. However, this feature is specifically designed for iPhone users who are deaf, hard of hearing, have difficulty speaking, or who can’t speak at all. These users would typically need to place and receive calls using a telecommunications device for the deaf (TDD) or teletypewriter (TTY) to place calls, or rely on text-based methods of communication like SMS.