How to Hashtag an Emoji on Instagram

Sometimes an emoji captures your feelings perfectly. Coupling it with a hashtag makes your post discoverable to those searching for that emoji.

Use the Search Tab to Find Emoji Hashtag Posts

To search for an emoji hashtag:

Why Use Hashtag Emojis on Instagram?

Emojis are expressive picture icons people use to complement their written text on social media and in text messages. Most people use emojis on a mobile device because emoji keyboards come already installed (or can be downloaded). If you’re active on Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, Tumblr, or any other popular social network, you know that hashtagging involves placing a pound sign (#) in front of a word (or phrase without spaces). When you hashtag a word or phrase and publish it in a status, tweet, caption, or comment, that word or phrase turns into a clickable link, which takes you to a page where you can follow other updates containing that same hashtag. Emoji hashtags combine social connection and convenience. Hashtags link, build communities, start trends, and streamline social media content. In short, they get you found. Emojis simplify language, break barriers, and give a little emotional heart to your posts. Combining hashtags and emojis adds a new dimension to the process of getting found and making connections.