Watch Blu-rays and DVDs on Xbox One

Some say physical media like Blu-ray and DVD are headed the way of the dodo; others still cling to their large disc collections or insist on the superior quality of Blu-ray. Either way, here is how you can play Blu-ray discs and DVDs on your Xbox One.

Xbox One Controls for the Blu-ray Player App

Listed below are the basic controls that can be used when watching a Blu-ray disc or DVD with the Blu-ray Player app on Xbox One.

Play/Pause: X ButtonSkip Back One Chapter: Left BumperSkip Forward One Chapter: Right BumperFast Forward: Right TriggerRewind: Left TriggerDisplay On-Screen Controls: B Button

Watch Streaming Media on Xbox One

Purchase or Rent Movies From Xbox Video

If you don’t have a physical disc or don’t want to sign up for a streaming service, you can rent or purchase movies from the official Xbox Video store. Purchasing a movie will store it in your digital library, while renting one will only make it available for a limited time.