Steps for Safelisting a Domain

To safelist all email from a specific domain in the Mail app in Mac OS X or macOS:

Setting Rule Order in Mac Mail App

The order of the rules you have set matters. Mail executes them one after the other, moving down the list. This point is important to consider because some messages may satisfy the criteria established in more than one rule you’ve created, so you’ll want to consider the logical order in which you want each rule to be applied to incoming messages. To ensure that the rule you’ve just created that safelists a domain is executed before others that might also apply the same message, click and drag that rule to the top, or near the top, of the rules list. For example, if you have a filter that color-codes certain messages based on keywords in the subject, move your domain safelist rule above that labeling rule.

Junk Mail Filtering Settings in Mac Mail

Junk mail filtering is active by default in the Mail app. You can find these settings by following these steps: