This music streaming service works by having you create custom radio stations built around the songs and artists you like, where it will then mix in related content to deliver you the music you like as well as content it thinks you’ll enjoy.

More About LiveOne

Access a list of stations for all the various music you can stream, such as chill, hip-hop, or alternative. As you’re listening, adjust the Fine Tune Station settings to favor things like your favorite songs, popular songs, and newer songs. Create your own stations with the artists you like so that you can hear similar music. Visit your library to see a list of recently played songs. Explicit content can be turned on or off. Like or dislike a song so that it understands the type of music you like. All your favorite stations can be played together as your own Favorites Radio. The mobile app shows music-related news and the desktop website lets you enable music news, headlines news, and sports news so that you can hear those headlines periodically on your stations. Watch live events, music news, vodcasts, and more. Unlimited skips, no ads, HQ audio, and more can be obtained through a paid subscription.

Thoughts on LiveOne

This service is very similar to other music streaming sites/apps that let you build custom radio stations, like Pandora and Spotify. However, where it stands out is in the live events and user-friendliness. Although you can’t pick the exact songs you want to listen to, building a custom station will likely run through your songs, eventually. Otherwise, it’s a great way to find new music you may not have heard before, but are related to the songs you do like. One thing that’s bothersome about LiveOne is that some of the features you try to access will tell you that it’s only available if you pay for a membership. These options are indicated by a small red dot. Also, as with any service that’s free, you’ll likely find advertisements and commercials, which is what you have with the LiveOne app. You might find this acceptable, though, considering all the music is free. Plus, you can upgrade to a membership plan to remove the ads if you wish.