How to Use Mac Screen Sharing

Using the Finder sidebar to access screen sharing has many benefits, including not having to know the IP address or name of the remote Mac. Instead, the remote Mac displays in the Shared list in the Finder sidebar; accessing the remote Mac takes just a few clicks. The downside of the Shared list in the Finder sidebar is that it is limited to local network resources. You won’t find the Mac of a long-distance friend or family member listed here. You can now use the remote Mac as if you were sitting right in front of it. Move your mouse onto the remote Mac’s desktop to work with files, folders, and applications. You can access anything that is available on the remote Mac from the screen sharing window. There’s also some question about the availability of any Mac in the Shared list. The Shared list populates when you first turn your Mac on, and again whenever a new network resource announces itself on your local network. However, when a Mac is turned off, the Shared list sometimes doesn’t update itself to show that the Mac is no longer online. You may see phantom Macs on the list that you can’t connect to.