Column A is labeled “Date.“Column B has the heading “Volume Traded.“Columns C, D, and E are labeled “High Price,” “Low Price,” and “Closing Price,” respectively.

When entering the data, keep these rules in mind:

Whenever possible, enter your data in columns as shown in the image. Lay out your worksheet with the title for each data series at the top of the column and the data in the cells below. Don’t leave blank rows or columns when entering your data as this will create blank areas in the chart.

This tutorial doesn’t include the steps for formatting the worksheet as shown in the image. Information on worksheet formatting options is available in the ​basic Excel formatting tutorial. Next, you need to highlight the block of cells from A1 to D6. Otherwise, there are two options for selecting the chart data: by mouse or by keyboard.

Using the mouse

Using the keyboard

Be sure to select any column and row titles that you want to be included in the chart.