How: You can download the app directly from Microsoft Why Do You Care: Microsoft has based the new Edge on the same codebase as Google’s Chrome, using the open-source Chromium. This new browser promises more privacy, security, and modern browser features than the original Edge. While a pre-Chromium Edge browser has been available as a beta for the Mac since May of 2019, this marks the first new version that works across all major OSes (minus Linux, so far). Microsoft promises more privacy, transparency, and control over your data with Chromium Edge, adding Defender SmartScreen to protect users from things like phishing schemes and malicious software. There’s also already a bunch of Extensions for the new Edge, and if you use it on Windows, you’ll be able to stream Netflix in 4K Ultra HD, as well. Coming soon is a new feature called Collections, which integrates with Office 365 “to collect, organize, share, and export web content to Word or Excel.” While Google has all but won the browser wars with almost 70 percent of the internet using its ubiquitous Chrome browser, Microsoft still drives a lot of users to its built-in options. Making Edge a more useful, Chromium-based experience can only help the company stay relevant here. Via: AppleInsider