Microsoft says: “Beginning with Windows 10, version 2004, all new Windows 10 systems will be required to use 64-bit builds and Microsoft will no longer release 32-bit builds for OEM distribution,” wrote the company in its documentation. Earlier versions of Windows will continue to get 32-bit support, however, as the hardware included typically won’t support 64-bit code. Advantages of 64-bit: A 64-bit processor can handle 64 bits of data at once, which lets it process information faster than a 32-bit processor. This lets it use more memory, for example, and allows your computer to be more precise, as well; pixels can be colored and placed more accurately, for example, than they can be on a 32-bit computer. What to do: First, you need to see which version of Windows 10 your machine can handle. If you can, you’ll next want to upgrade your 64-bit capable PC to the 64-bit version of Windows 10. Then you’ll be ready for the changeover in support, assuming you have a 2004 or later copy of Windows 10. Via: The Guru of 3D

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