Follow Along With This Tutorial

This tutorial uses the free PowerPoint multiple choice test template. This templatecontains 11 slides and 8 of these slides are set up in question format with space for four potential answers. To follow along with this tutorial, download the PowerPoint multiple choice quiz template and open the file in PowerPoint.

Create Quiz Questions

To edit the quiz template and add your questions and multiple choice answers:

Add More Multiple Choice Quiz Question Slides

After you finish the questions for the first slide, continue to edit the remaining question slides to add more questions and multiple choice answers. If you run out of slides and want to add more questions to your quiz, copy one of the question slides and edit the text. To copy a slide:

Setup “Correct” and “Incorrect” Slides

The PowerPoint multiple choice quiz template uses invisible hyperlinks (also called invisible buttons or hotspots) to reveal correct and incorrect answers. The invisible hyperlinks are placed over the answers on the PowerPoint slide. When an answer is selected, the slide changes to show whether the answer is correct or incorrect. For each multiple-choice question slide, there must be two corresponding answer slides. One is for the correct answer and one is for the incorrect answer.

Now that the “Correct” answer slides are in place after each multiple choice quiz question and the and “Incorrect” slide is at the end of the presentation, link the invisible hyperlinks on each question slide to either the correct answer slide or incorrect answer slide. To link the answers to the correct or incorrect response:

After you’ve linked to the slides with the Correct and Incorrect responses, make the hyperlinks invisible.

Test the Multiple Choice Quiz

When you’re ready to test your questions and responses, choose View > Slide Show or press F5 if you prefer PowerPoint keyboard shortcuts. Click through all the questions and answers to make sure everything works.