How to Set Up Windows XP Internet Connection

In Windows XP, a built-in wizard allows you to set up network connections of various kinds. Windows XP displays this option for instructional purposes. Service providers typically create setup CDs to include all the necessary setup data for an operating system in a self-contained package. Selecting Finish exits the wizard and assumes that the user has inserted the appropriate CD to continue the process. Modern broadband internet services generally do not require using setup CDs.

Choose from a list of Internet Service Providers: Gives instructions to set up an account with an ISP, then make the internet connection through that new account. Set up my connection manually: Sets up connections for existing ISP accounts (username and password are ready for use). Use the CD I got from an ISP: Use when possessing an installation CD-ROM from one of the service providers.

Connect using a dial-up modem: Works for phone line internet services (either traditional dial-up or ISDN). Connect using a broadband connection that requires a user name and password: Works for DSL and cable modem internet services that use PPPoE. Connect using a broadband connection that is always on: Works for DSL or cable modem services that do not require a username and password as specified in their service agreement.