How: You simply answer a few questions while logged in to Spotify and it will do the rest Why Do You Care: Pets are one of our favorite things to share on the internet; this is bound to go a bit viral Heading over to Spotify’s pet playlist web page, you’ll see the option to choose what type of pet—dog, cat, hamster, lizard, or bird—you want to create a playlist for. You’ll then be taken through a series of questions about your pet where you’ll describe their personality with a few sliders. Is your puppy relaxed or energetic? Shy or friendly? Apathetic or curious? Next up, you’ll be able to upload a photo of your beloved furry, feather, or scaly friend and name them. Spotify will then pull your answers together, adding in your own account’s preferences, and come up with a fun little playlist to play for your pet. While I’m not certain my beagle, Gus, is a big fan of upbeat ’60s rock, that’s the playlist Spotify came up with. I’m certainly enjoying it. Considering the joy we call get from sharing photos of our household creatures, this could be a fun thing to share right along with them. If nothing else, your hamster will perhaps be a little less lonely (and much more hip) when you go to work each day. Via: The Verge