Apple iPhone prices are 81% higher worldwide than they were when the first model launched in 2007, according to a recent study conducted by credit-repair service Self. This breaks down to a $437 increase per unit sold throughout the world. Narrowing the analysis down to just America shows a 60% increase in cost per unit, totaling $300. To put this in simple terms, the first iPhone cost $499 in America, while the latest iPhone 13 base model costs $799.  Of course, there are factors such as inflation and purchasing power to consider. Most countries have experienced an increase in inflation and a growth in purchasing power since 2007. Even with these variables, however, Apple iPhones have rocketed up in price in the past 14 years. On average, these price hikes outpace inflationary rates by 26%.  There is also technology to consider. Modern iPhones are very different animals from their 2007 counterparts. The first iPhone included just 4GB of flash memory, a battery that lasted around six hours, and just one 2.0 megapixel rear camera. The Retina display didn’t exist yet, nor did Touch ID, facial recognition technology, or good-ole Siri. Facetime wasn’t even available until the iPhone 4.  According to the study, the United Arab Emirates has experienced the largest increase in iPhone prices, with the latest iteration costing more than twice what it did when it originally launched.