Clothing such as Bluetooth beanies have been around for years, but newer examples of smart clothing expand on technology. Denim jackets can track your Uber’s location, and tracksuits can bathe your body in far infrared light. Here are seven of the best smart clothing items available for purchase. The Spectacles 3 come in two colors: carbon and mineral. Although the cameras on the glasses are still visible, the new design is more subtle, and they don’t broadcast to the world that you may be taking snaps. The Nadi X iOS app offers instructions on how to optimize each pose in addition to proper yoga flows that can be used to curate your own personal yoga class. Nadi X yoga pants are available for men and women in a variety of sizes. They are machine washable after removing the battery pack that attaches to the rear of your left knee. The connected app provides tips to improve your walking and running technique, and it tracks your steps, speed, altitude, and distance traveled.