That is a ton of information available at a glance. Of course, the downside is that it’s all in a fairly small watch face. It can be a little intimidating and hard to read at first. It also comes with only one color choice and only a digital option. The developer has a dozen or more variants of this watch, each one slightly different from the last. If the DT-05 isn’t your style, try the DT-02 or the DT-03. There’s no shortage of DOS-based watch faces in the Facer store. This one is the most comprehensive and looks the best. The text is a little small and hard to read, but it contains the right amount of information without being too cluttered. The script-like font makes some of the numbers tricky to read at a glance. Also, the font for the weather and the step count can be difficult to read because of the size. Nonetheless, this is a beautiful watch face with just the right amount of femininity.  There is a bit of branding on the face, which detracts from the overall look, but it’s fairly subtle. This isn’t really meant to be a watch face you use daily. There are no step counts or weather information; it just shows the time so that you can know when you’re fashionably late. To scroll through your photos on the watch, double-tap the left or right side of the watch. Double-tap the bottom to access your gallery, and double-tap the top to access options. That said, it’s not all holodecks and replicators. The font is a bit too small, especially near the top where current weather information lives. This is also the only face in this list that carries a price tag, but at $0.99, it’s a steal if you want to live long and prosper.