The social network announced the updates on its official Spaces Twitter account on Thursday, according to The Verge. The changes mean a Space can have one host, two co-hosts, and 10 active speakers for a total of 13 participants, whereas previously, you could only have 10 total.  With this new update, co-hosts have most of the same privileges and the primary host, including speaking, inviting members to talk, pin Tweets, and remove people from a Space. However, The Verge notes that the main host still has control over a Twitter Space and is the only one who can invite or remove co-hosts as well as end the room.  Twitter officially announced in December that it was testing the new audio feature to allow Twitter users to talk to each other with their actual voices instead of through 280 characters or less.  Since then, Twitter has been expanding Spaces, including making the feature available on desktop and mobile browsers in May.  The Verge reports that Twitter is also testing out a dedicated area for Spaces to live in the app at the top of your timeline. Spaces would replace Fleets’ position there, which the social network discontinued just this week due to lack of popularity.  Many have compared Twitter’s Spaces to the popular Clubhouse app, with some saying that Spaces is a little more authentic and more accessible than Clubhouse since it lives within Twitter already. Either way, it looks like social media is moving into an era of audio.