More Information on Video DownloadHelper for Firefox

The DownloadHelper icon is added to Firefox’s navigation toolbar upon installation. When a media file that can be captured and downloaded is detected, the DownloadHelper icon becomes colorful and animated. Clicking on the down arrow next to the animated icon displays the filename(s) available for download. Selecting a specific filename gives you the option to choose a destination location and begin the download process. The DownloadHelper option in Firefox’s menu offers several choices, including the extension’s Preferences dialog. Configure Download Mode to either retrieve one file at a time or all files at once. Modify the default storage directory for downloaded files via the extension’s Preferences settings. MediaLink settings allow you to download files based on their extension type (i.e., .jpg, .gif, .mov). The Supported Sites option, located in the DownloadHelper menu, displays all media sites currently supported.

The Bottom Line

Video DownloadHelper for Firefox eliminates the need for advanced knowledge or complicated software to obtain the media files you want. A simple mouse click transfers a video, audio clip, or image from a website directly to your computer. Better yet, configure the extension to alert you when videos fitting keywords you set become accessible. The list of supported sites is impressive and it continues to grow. It’s apparent that DownloadHelper’s developers take pride in their work and are constantly updating the extension with new features and sites. There are other media-download extensions for Firefox, but they pale in comparison to Video DownloadHelper. It’s a must for anyone interested in downloading embedded media.