After a last-minute delay in 2021 due to supply chain issues, which has also resulted in a slow drip of small-batch shipments to buyers, it looks like Steam Deck distribution could ramp back up. In a recent tweet, the official Steam Deck Twitter account explained that more reservation emails are going out soon, and unit production has officially increased. Valve estimates that, with more Steam Decks being manufactured now, it should be shipping more than twice the number of handheld devices each week. While it doesn’t offer estimates on how long it will take to process everyone’s reservations, many who have preordered a Steam Deck for themselves are excited about the news. With more orders being fulfilled per week, the expectation is that Valve will be able to work its way through each reservation group much faster than before. According to the official Steam Deck account, emails for Q2 orders have already been sent, and Q3 emails will be going out starting this Thursday, June 30th. It also reassured buyers that if they don’t see their Q2 email to be patient—it could simply take a little while for things to go through. Otherwise, if there’s any concern, reservation statuses can be checked by logging in and visiting the Steam Deck’s Steam page.