What Is the Purpose of Instant Apps?

Developers include Android Instant in their apps so users can preview a slimmed-down version before deciding whether or not they want to download and install the full app. This offering can come in the form of a Try Now button on the app’s Google Play Store page, a banner on a website, a link in an email, or an alternate delivery method such as a scannable QR code.

How Do Instant Apps Work?

As soon as an instant app is selected, Google Play automatically sends only the files needed to run the respective features to your device and instantly launches the app. No downloads, no installers, and, most importantly, no waiting.

How to Enable Instant Apps on Your Android Device

To take advantage of Google Play Instant, first ensure the feature is enabled on your smartphone or tablet.

How to Remove Data From Google Instant Apps

Although instant apps are not full-fledged versions and are not actually installed on your smartphone or tablet, in many instances, they still store data as you use them. This data can be removed by taking the steps below.