What Does DSL Mean?

DSL is short for “digital subscriber line.” This type of data connection uses phone lines to send and receive information. You’ll usually buy the service from a phone company specializing in non-cellular options (i.e., landlines). A DSL signal uses a higher frequency than a regular phone line so that you can use both services simultaneously. If you’re using a landline and DSL, you’ll usually need to add an adapter to split the port and plug both your phone and modem in at the same time.

What’s the Difference Between a DSL Modem and a Router?

You’ll need a DSL modem to use the internet; it’s the connection that handles the data traffic entering and leaving your home or office. A router is optional, however. You’ll use it to set up a wireless network and use your devices without connecting them directly to the modem. While you’ll always have a modem to connect to the internet, you may or may not use a router, depending on your needs. DSL is not the same as Wi-Fi because the former describes the actual internet connection, and the latter refers to how information from that connection moves through your home or building. You can often get a combination modem and router from your ISP, which combines both functions in a single box. Alternatively, you can buy one from your preferred electronics store.

How Fast Is DSL?

Because DSL is an older technology, it won’t usually hit the same upload and download speeds as newer offerings like cable and fiber internet. Depending on availability in your area, you can get up to 100 Mbps, which is more than enough to stream the highest quality content from platforms like Netflix.