When Google Assistant won’t set your alarm, but you can still set alarms manually, there’s usually some type of problem with the Google app on your phone.

How to Restore Your Google Assistant to Working Order

If Google Assistant sets alarms and they never go off, or if it refuses to set alarms at all, there is probably some type of issue with your Google app. The Google app is responsible for a lot of behind the scenes functionality, including Google Assistant voice commands, so when it malfunctions, you can end up having this type of problem. The first thing you should try is to restore your Google app to its original factory state. This process uninstalls any updates you have ever downloaded for the Google app, so it can restore Google Assistant to working order if your problem was caused by some type of bug in a recent update.

Remove Corrupted Date in Your Google App to Fix Alarms

Google Assistant can also malfunction due to corrupt local data, which can result in alarms that don’t set or don’t go off. The easiest way to fix this is to clear the cache and local data storage of the Google app.

Completely Refresh Your Google Assistant When It Won’t Set Alarms

If your Google Assistant still can’t set alarms after rolling back Google app updates and clearing local data, your last option is to completely refresh Google Assistant. This process also involves the Google app, but you actually have to disable it and then re-enable it.