When You Have to Log In to Yahoo Mail

The cookie a browser saves when you visit Yahoo Mail applies only to the browser and device you were using at the time of your visit. As long as you visit the login page with the same device and browser, you shouldn’t have to log back in. However, if you log in with a different device or browser, Yahoo won’t find the login cookie, so you’ll have to enter your username and password. If you’re using the same device and browser but are prompted to log in, the cookie in the browser that logs in to Yahoo mail automatically was deleted.

How to Stay Logged In to Yahoo Mail

You can prevent your computer from deleting browser cookies, including the one for your Yahoo Mail login credentials, in a few ways.

Select Stay Signed In

When you log in to Yahoo Mail, select the Stay signed in checkbox.

Don’t Sign Out

Don’t select Sign out in the box that appears when you select your name at the top of any Yahoo page.

Don’t Delete Cookies

Don’t clear browser cookies manually. Also, check the browser settings to make sure it isn’t set to delete cookies when the browser window closes. If you run browser extensions and anti-spyware that automatically clears the browser history, disable them or make an exception for the yahoo.com domain.

Don’t Use Private Browsing

Using the browser’s private browsing feature prevents it from storing cookies; in this way, the browser doesn’t track your internet history—but you’ll have to sign in to Yahoo Mail each time you visit. Using this feature frequently may explain why your login information isn’t saved. If you prefer not to log in to Yahoo Mail each time you visit, don’t use private browsing.

Google Chrome: Incognito Mode. Edge: InPrivate Browsing. Internet Explorer: InPrivate Browsing. Mozilla Firefox: Private Browsing. Safari: Private Browsing.